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The world changed, and our way of dressing and expressing ourselves with clothes too. My wardrobe and my style have changed in the last 20 years, and this is due to the different forms of dressing and the clothes that exist. In my case, I've constantly seen posts on Instagram, Pinterest, or Twitter on how to combine your clothes and how to create new outfits. I used to watch fashion shows, and these, little by little, led me to know how I wanted to dress and to think about what my clothes said about me. I grew up and understood that our way of dressing is fundamental and part of our presentation. For this reason, I decided to change my way of dressing. In this blog entry, I will talk about fast fashion and consumerism; second, I will share my experience and how I select my clothes; and finally, I will share my opinion about fashion and how we became consumed by fast fashion.

In my English class at IGA, we watched some videos about consumerism. So, it seemed interesting that we consume products, the most through clothing. When we have an event, dinner, or something important, and we don't have anything to wear, or that's what we consider, the first thing we do is go to a mall and look for clothes. So, we create this massive cycle of buying clothes that only fit us for a moment and then put them aside, giving rise to mass consumerism.

When I buy clothes, I usually follow a process. First, I usually look for images on different social networks of an outfit or garment I want. Then, I go to the stores and choose something similar or equal to the garment I am looking for. I do this because it seems a way to give many different uses to clothes, and at the same time, I try not to fall into this one-time buying cycle. I recently bought a dress for a family dinner and realized I only wore it once, unlike a top I bought and constantly.

Nowadays, we are getting used to buying single-use clothes, and this happens thanks to the fact that fashion is constantly changing. Before, you could wear the same garment for two years, and nothing happened. Now everything has changed, fashions last a month, two months maximum, and that's what happens with fast fashion. If this continues, there will be a lot of clothing wasted. For example, the flared pants changed for skinny jeans, the bulky dresses for more contemporary ones, and the blouses for shorter ones. Eventually, this will continue to change since the human being in constant change.

In conclusion, fashion goes fast, and overproduction is too. One piece of advice I can give you is: Do not buy single-use clothes. Try looking for ideas on social networks and, at the same time, give them your style.

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