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Aspects of Psychology

The science of mind and feelings is also the life keeper of many persons. Well, I am currently studying psychology, and everything related to its different topics really catches my attention. But, above all, its history and how it has evolved to what it is now. In this blog post, I will share my opinion about the changes that psychology has had throughout history; second, I will share some experiences that I have read in some books; and finally, I will talk about my personal view of the history in psychology.

Nowadays, I believe that psychology teaches us little by little how the human being acts throughout his existence, life and social relationship. But how does this affect human beings? Well, depending on the mental state of each person, their relationship with their environment varies. We are taught the same thing in the history of psychology. The actions of each one can vary, whether it is due to have a tumor, a bad blow to the head or some traumatic experience. This led me to the conclusion that the psychologist sees internal charges that anyone can bring. This reminds me of the phrase by William James: “If you can change your mind, you can change your life.”

Eventually, and as the years go by, studying and reading some books of this career, I have seen different cases, from premature babies to brain tumors. With this, I realized that the human being, depending on their condition, acts and thinks. Normally, it would be said that this doesn't affect their lives, but reality is different. When someone lives and talks with a person with a special condition, we can notice that their actions are somewhat different from what we are used to seeing.

Psychology has constantly changed, with this the way of seeing certain changes in the mental aspect. The different psychologists have made an effort to see the behavior of people from their social and lonely environment, resulting in a timeline and their different disorders. But, essentially, it focuses on knowing what happens, what human being thinks and how he acts from his condition.

To summarize, psychologists are important, whether it's just to talk, see a problem or analyze a state of mind. Lately, I realized that human beings need this accompaniment regardless of whether they are a patient with a mental condition or not, help is never too much

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